In this article, we talk about vitamin D3.
It works in heterodimer with vitamin A. In other words, as soon as there is a reduction in vitamin D3, there is a risk of vitamin A deficiency.
Both vitamins are members of the nuclear receptor family or PPARS, which help control DNA.
Blood vitamin D3 levels should be between 70ng/mL or 100-120 nmol/L. If the level is below this, it could be due to the following reasons:
- Presence of intestinal parasites (worms, pinworms, etc.)
- Candida
- Leaky gut or intestinal permeability
- Iron-deficiency anemia , because converting sunlight into vitamin D3 requires hepatic and renal iron-dependent activation, known as hydroxylation. Iron deficiency occurs when serum iron is below 70-75 μg/dl in men and below 50-150 μg/dl in women. Iron-deficiency anaemia also occurs when ferritin (the iron storage protein) is below 35 ng/mL for women and 60 ng/mL for men. Other parameters can play a role in the "diagnosis" of anemia, such as the ultra-sensitive CRP parameter , transferrin (the protein that transports iron) and the saturation coefficient. Without iron, there is no conversion or utilization of vitamin D3, nor conversion of amino acids such as tyrosine and tryptophan into dopamine and serotonin.
- The presence of chronic low-grade inflammation, i.e. inflammation of the intestinal tract.
- Systemic inflammation.
- Hyperinsulinism hyperglycemia (blood glucose above 0.95g/L)
- Fatty liver, because vitamin D3 undergoes hydroxylation (an iron-dependent biochemical process) in the liver
- Kidney problems, as vitamin D3 undergoes final hydroxylation (an iron-dependent biochemical process).
It's best to measure vitamin D3 blood levels before taking it in winter. Intakes vary between 3,000 and 5,000 IU/day, depending on the individual and the situations described above, as well as latitude and summer sunshine.
Si la vitamine D3 est basse (<70ng/mL ou 100-120 nmol/L) en début de l’automne, il faut en prendre et mesurer en début d’hiver pour y remédier le plus vite possible en ajustant les doses ou en regardant la/les cause/s d’une telle baisse. A savoir que chez un individu dit « sain », la prise de 25-35ug /jour pendant 1 mois fait monter la vitamine D3 sanguine de 25 à 30 unités sanguines.
It's best to take a plant-based vitamin D3 with a fatty meal.

In our next article, we'll talk about the role of vitamin D3. In the meantime, I invite you to look at a previous article on the subject: https://www.humankindwellbeing.com/blog/articles/la-vitamine-a-et-la-vitamine-d