Humankind Wellbeing

Histamine intolerance

intolerance histmaine andrea fernandez

Histamine intolerance and SAMA

Histamine intolerance may (or may not) evolve into mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS). A wide range of symptoms presented by the individual who merits recognition by an arborescent practitioner who knows how to recognize symptoms and link them to histamine and mast cells with corresponding management.

Our approach to handling these two conditions is tree-based and multifactorial, based on the ADIMOGH method or the NSSR method, where applicable.

Our links in reference to histamine

Click below to download the documents you need.

HERE's an extract from the book to give you some context.


Office consultations
NSSR/ADIMOGH method 1/2 day

Video consultations
ADIMOGH/NSSR/Lyme method

Our strengths

Reading of your preventive investigation analyses (LIMS/Barbier/Red labs/united labs...) and local laboratory analyses.

Read your own capillary sample for dark field analysis, coagulated blood, smear, whether remotely or at the office.

Use of different types of bioresonance to improve your physiological and micronutritional status.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
