Humankind Wellbeing

Fluid retention? Here's what to do

Circulatory problems can be caused by conditions such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, overweight or diabetes. During the summer months, women often complain of circulatory problems because their hormones are out of balance.


If circulatory problems are caused by cardiovascular problems, including hypertension, it's best to follow a low-salt diet. In addition to avoiding table salt, think about cheeses and bread, which contain a considerable amount of salt.


Magnesium is the best solution for the circulatory problems typical of summer women with hormonal disorders. A good formula with bisglycinate or glycerophosphate is ideal. The minimum dose is 300 mg/day. Bear in mind that just one cup of coffee antagonizes magnesium. 600 mg a day is best for circulation. Results won't be immediate, but from the second month onwards, you'll start to see results. HERE's a good assimilable magnesium formula.


In the case of circulatory disorders caused by venous return problems, it's best to choose plants with veinotonic properties for the blood vessels, to combat chronic venous insufficiency and to favor plants that aid microcirculation. HERE's an example of an effective formula.


Hydrotherapy techniques also help treat water retention. The well-known principle of alternating hot and cold showers is excellent for stimulating circulation. Always start at the foot and work up to the groin. Some people respond well to cold water for circulatory problems.


Here's a recipe for heavy summer legs that may also work well for other circulatory problems such as varicose veins.

Here is a complete recipe for circulatory problems and varicose veins: :

For 50 ml of Calophyle inophyle vegetable oil

Cypress de Provence E.O.: 10 drops

Juniper E.O.: 10 drops

Italian Helichrysum E.O.: 5 drops

Peppermint E.O.: 10 drops

Apply this preparation twice a day to the legs, massaging from the bottom up. It works best just after a shower.


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