Humankind Wellbeing

Link between all symptoms

 When practicing nutritional and functional biology, you have to look at the cause. There are enough "practitioners" who treat symptoms and enough practitioners who use protocols to do everything. But the person is neither a symptom nor a protocol.  


In other words, most of today's practitioners are green allopaths. They'll swap a symptom for a plant or micronutrient. In this way, we're no better than professionals working under false disguise for the pharmaceutical industry. We don't treat a disease, or a symptom. We treat a person with a physiological and biochemical (or even psycho-emotional) imbalance. We must distinguish ourselves from allopathic professionals, as well as from unqualified professionals who treat with unique advice that cannot be found online on Doctissimo or any other website.

In other words: no miracle products, no magic products and no fad diets. Each treatment will have its own reason for being recommended, because each of the patient's symptoms is linked. And that's how, in our academy, we teach you to treat the cause and think in a tree-like, ethiopatogenic way. You'll learn to make the link between anemia, depression and sleep deprivation in a woman of childbearing age.

You're not going to do the job that allopaths do by swapping every symptom this woman presents with an herb or micronutrient. On the contrary, you're going to make the link between her iron deficiency (perhaps due to the fact that she's still menstruating and her periods are still heavy) and the fact that her depression is entirely related to her iron deficiency, because iron will activate tryptophan into serotonin (the natural antidepressant) and serotonin has to go through a methylation process. serotonin has to go through a methylation process to convert to melatonin and that this methylation process is the process that could be behind her heavy periods, as estrogens have to methylate to be less harmful and not cause heavy periods. And if this woman's methylation isn't effective, she could give life to autistic children or suffer repeated miscarriages and even infertility? Do you know what I mean? 


The job in nutritional and functional biology is one of continuous investigation. We only stop at the last "why". That's when we've found the cause!


I'll leave you to think about it and get back to you with more examples.


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