Humankind Wellbeing

Iron deficiency anemia - when the body lacks iron 2/3

Hi everyone!


**Understand blood values for iron-deficiency anemia and inflammation**.


Iron deficiency anemia is a common form of anemia caused by iron deficiency. However, other nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B12 and B9 (folate), can also affect your blood test results. Here's a guide to the main blood values to help you understand the state of your iron reserves and the impact of any inflammation or deficiencies.




**1. Hemoglobin (Hb)** (Hb)

**What is it?

Hemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying protein found in red blood cells.

**Normal values** :

- Men**: 13-17 g/dL

- Women**: 12-16 g/dL

**Anemia indicator**: Low hemoglobin indicates anemia.




**2. Haematocrit (Ht)**

**What is it?

Hematocrit represents the percentage of red blood cells in the blood.

**Normal values** :

- Men**: 40-52

- Women**: 36-48%.

**Anemia indicator**: A low level indicates a lack of red blood cells.




**3. VGM (Mean corpuscular volume)** (Mean corpuscular volume)** (Mean corpuscular volume)** (Mean corpuscular volume)

**What is it?

VGM measures the average size of red blood cells. In iron-deficiency anemia, they are often smaller.

**Normal values**: 80-100 fL

**Anemia indicator**: A low **VGM** (< 80 fL) indicates microcytosis (small red blood cells), common in iron-deficiency anemia.

⚠️ **Link with B12 and B9**: A high **VGM** (> 100 fL) may indicate a **vitamin B12 or B9 (folate)** deficiency, resulting in larger red blood cells (macrocytosis).




⚙️ **4. MCHR (mean corpuscular hemoglobin content)**.

**What is it?

MCHR represents the average amount of hemoglobin per red blood cell.

**Normal values**: 27-32 pg

**Anemia indicator**: A low **TCMH** shows that red blood cells contain less hemoglobin, typical in iron deficiency anemia.

⚠️ **Link with B12 and B9**: A low MCHT may also be observed in cases of **vitamin B12 or B9 deficiency**, affecting hemoglobin production.




**5. Ferritin

**What is it?

Ferritin reflects your iron reserves.

**Normal values** :

- Men**: 80-150 ng/mL

- Women**: 80-120 ng/mL

**Low ferritin** (< 15 ng/mL) confirms iron deficiency.




️ **6. Serum iron

**What is it?

Serum iron measures the amount of iron circulating in the blood.

**Normal values**: 50-170 µg/dL

**Low serum iron** may indicate iron deficiency anemia.




⚖️ **7. Transferrin**

**What is it?

Transferrin is a protein that transports iron in the blood.

**Normal values**: 200-360 mg/dL

**Indicator of anemia**: high transferrin levels may indicate iron deficiency, as the body tries to capture more iron.




**8. Transferrin saturation coefficient**.

**What is it?

This is the percentage of transferrin that transports iron.

**Normal values**: 20-45%.

**Anemia indicator**: A **low coefficient** (< 20%) indicates that little iron is transported, typical of iron deficiency anemia.




**9. Ultra-sensitive CRP (C-reactive protein)** (C-reactive protein)

**What is it?

CRP is a marker of inflammation, used to detect inflammation that may distort the results of an iron test.

**Normal values**: < 5 mg/L

**An elevated **CRP** indicates inflammation, which can affect ferritin and iron levels.




**Summary of indicators of iron-deficiency anemia and other deficiencies** :

- Low hemoglobin

- Low hematocrit

- **Low GMV and MCHR** in iron deficiency anemia; **high GMV** in B12 or B9 deficiency.

- **Low serum ferritin and iron**.

- High transferrin and low saturation coefficient**.

- Elevated CRP**: indicator of inflammation.




**Tips to improve your health** :

- Iron-rich foods**: black pudding, offal, duck breast, pigeon, red meat, legumes, spinach.

- Vitamin C**: to improve iron absorption.

- B12 and B9**: eat foods such as dairy products, eggs and green vegetables to avoid these deficiencies.

- Watch for signs of inflammation** and consult a doctor if necessary.




⚕️ **Take care of your health, monitor your blood levels!



BNutrics Bionutrics


Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and biotin support energy levels

Broad spectrum: 8 B vitamins and 3 B vitamin-related substances (choline, inositol and APAB)

In active, well-absorbed forms: directly available for use. The body no longer needs to transform them.

High dosage of vitamin B12 per tablet: 500 μg

helo complex anemie



High iron content per tablet: 40 mg

Well-absorbed form of iron: iron bisglycinate

Iron-enhancing co-factors: B vitamins and intrinsic factor

Good gastrointestinal tolerance

hemo complex anemia

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